Les mémoires

Les mémoires des étudiants M2i

Chaque année, les étudiants de première année du master M2i doivent s’atteler à la réalisation des mémoires à orientation professionnelle en langue étrangère. Les thématiques des mémoires touchent principalement les domaines du Business Development, de la communication d’entreprise internationale et événementielle ou du Travel Management.

Découvrez quelques travaux de nos étudiants

Les mémoires de la promo 2023

A cultura brasileira no Benim

Após o fim da escravidão brasileira em 1888, uma parte dos escravos emancipados decidiu retornar à terra de seus antepassados do outro lado do Oceano Atlântico, no Benim. Eles são conhecidos hoje como Agudás, termo derivado da palavra ‘ajuda’.
Com o passar dos anos, eles conseguiram se integrar na sociedade beninense e deram origem a uma nova classe social privilegiada. Esta dissertação explora de que forma os Agudás se integraram no Benim, bem como a cultura brasileira influenciou e continua a influenciar a sociedade beninense até os dias atuais. Além disso, ela aborda a relação atual entre o Brasil e o Benim.

La livraison de repas à domicile en Chine : un marché en plein essor

Au cours de la dernière décennie, le marché de la livraison de repas à domicile en Chine a connu une croissance exponentielle, propulsant le pays au rang de leader mondial. Ce service s’est intégré dans l’écosystème économique du pays et dans la vie quotidienne des Chinois. L’ascension de ce marché est majoritairement due à l’évolution de leurs habitudes de consommation

En effet, à mesure que leur rythme de vie accélère, les Chinois se tournent vers les plateformes de livraison pour satisfaire leurs besoins de manière plus rapide et pratique. De plus, avec la pandémie de Covid-19, les exigences des consommateurs ont augmenté. Mais grâce à l’évolution du secteur de la technologie en Chine, les plateformes de livraison ont été en mesure de proposer des solutions innovantes, afin d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire des consommateurs.

Road safety and driving behaviour: a comparison between the USA, France, and Germany

In an era marked by increasing mobility, road safety and driving behaviour remain a complex challenge for our societies. Policies and driving attitudes are closely linked to socio-cultural aspects of each nation. Understanding them is highly relevant to make roads a safer place for all of its users.The United States, France, and Germany represent three models of vehicular societies. Each of them is characterised by its own traffic regulations, driver education programs, road infrastructure, and cultural norms. The coronavirus pandemic is one example that highlights the bound between culture and driving behaviour.

What are the differences and surprising similarities in driving attitudes, habits, and perceptions? The answer to this question gives us insights into the reasons behind accident rates and road safety measures. How are governments and institutions responding to this growing modern challenge?

Volunteer tourism: an increasingly popular form of tourism

Did you ever want to travel abroad and volunteer at the same time to help people from local communities? This is what volunteer tourism, or voluntourism, is about. Due to a high demand, there are many different organisations that offer various volunteering projects abroad, whether it is childcare, animal care or construction. And candidates do not even need previous experience.

While most volunteers usually believe that their trip will have a positive impact on local communities, this is not what always happens. In fact, volunteers are not necessarily aware of the consequences their trip can have. Voluntourism can lead to harmful phenomena for local communities, such as white saviourism and commodification. In the end, who benefits most from this form of tourism: volunteers, or local communities?

Trendy and ethical: the evolution of the fashion industry in the US

The fashion industry is part of our daily lives. But like every big industry, it has a downside: the fashion industry has disastrous consequences on the environment and on its workers. We are talking about enormous water consumption, millions of tons of waste, forced labor, child labor, and the list goes on. This phenomenon has been accentuated in recent years, as trends have been evolving very rapidly. Many brands are therefore producing much more clothes to keep up and satisfy consumers, who want to be able to change clothes just as quickly. This is called fast fashion. 

However, society is becoming increasingly aware of environmental and ethical issues, and the fashion industry has to keep pace. In this context, what measures can be taken to make it greener as well as more ethical? Who has a role to play in this process?

Les mémoires de la promo 2022

La Chine : une pop culture pas si populaire ?

La Chine est omniprésente sur la scène internationale actuelle, mais si l’on regarde de plus près, on remarque que son influence se retrouve surtout dans la politique et l’économie. Une frange de sa culture est particulièrement éclipsée par ces sujets : la culture populaire, qui est très peu connue en-dehors des frontières de la Chine. Comment expliquer cette discrétion, alors que ses voisins est-asiatiques connaissent un immense succès à l’international ? La réputation du pays, sa stratégie culturelle et ses politiques de censure sont tout autant de facteurs déterminants.

The Evolution of Indigenous Labor

Before settlers came to America, Native American had developed unique farming techniques. Indeed, they succeeded in developing a technique of agriculture called the “three sisters”.As time went by, the natives ended up having less and less rights and freedom. Because of certain laws, the indigenous people found themselves with less land, which prevented them from cultivating and making a living from it. Because of new policies and the changes in society, the indigenous people had no choice but to change their jobs to other sectors such as gambling and the service industries. Indeed, because of the history of the country, the indigenous people have always been marginalized and this was especially confirmed with the COVID-19 outbreak during which the indigenous population was put aside by the American government.

NFT: the new face of the art market

Today, digital art is booming, it presents multiple forms and is in continual evolution. It is a world that has quickly garnered the attention of celebrities, international artists, sports figures, digital creatives, entrepreneurs, influencers, and many more.

The only problem is that the commercialisation of a piece of digital art in the contemporary art market is complex. A digital creation is paperless and quite easily reproduceable so art collectors and investors may consider it as not profitable or at least not as worthy as an original piece of art, which is characterized by its uniqueness and makes the buyer the only one who possesses it. Now imagine being able to guarantee this ownership and rarity to a piece of digital art. In this case, collectors and investors would finally be able to put the work of traditional artists and digital artists on the same level.

Cultural exchange programmes: Product or experience?

In a world full of different languages and customs, there are humans that have different needs which impel them to move to different places. In these places, there are governments and universities that have programmes which allow foreigners to get to know their culture. The goal of these programmes is to promote understanding and create connections between countries. As different cultures started to be close at hand to everybody, thanks to globalisation, more people started to dream about visiting other countries and getting to know other cultures. Due to this demand, cultural exchange programmes started to be more popular and companies started to sell them. The problem is that some companies do not take into account cultural differences when they prepare the travellers. As a consequence,
travellers find themselves in complicated situations in countries far from their home.

Tying the Knot in Times of COVID-19: a Cultural Comparison between the United States of America and France

Marriage has been around since the beginning of time but the ritual has changed a lot over the years. For some nowadays, the wedding day is considered the most special day of their life and deserves to be celebrated in the best way possible. It is no secret that many industries were affected during the Covid-19 pandemic and the wedding industry was no exception. Due to the sanitary situation, many couples had to postpone or even cancel their wedding. But how was this industry affected in countries like the United States and France? Let us draw a cultural comparison and look at the role of social media around weddings in these two countries over the last two years.

Les mémoires de la promo 2021

Индустрия видеоигр в России: особенности развития и основные тенденции

На сегодняшний день обьем мирового рынка компьютерных, консольных и мобильных игр составляет более 150 миллиардов долларов, что в три раза больше, чем рынок кино. Восточная Европа, в которую входит Россия, является самой быстро развивающейся частью этого рынка. В этой дипломной работе будут раскрыты особенности развития российской индустрии игр, зародившейся лишь 30 лет назад. Также будет проанализирован портрет российского геймера и главные участники российской индустрии : Mail.ru Игры, Owl Cats, ZeptaLab, Gaijin Entertainment и других.

El turismo comunitario en Perú y su impacto en la población indígena

La crisis ambiental global tanto como la crisis sanitaria actual cuestionan el turismo de masas. Se empieza a pensar en alternativas para un turismo más sostenible. Se plantea la cuestión ambiental tanto como el impacto del turismo sobre las comunidades indígenas, las cuales no solamente están directamente impactadas por el número de turistas y la construcción de infraestructuras turísticas en sus territorios, sino también trabajan en este sector sin desarrollar su poder económico tanto como benefician compañías de turismo extranjeras. Organizaciones locales e internationales, tanto gubernamentales como o gubernamentales ponen en marcha proyectos turísticos a favor del desarrollo económico de las poblaciones indígenas y campesinas a través del turismo. Sin embargo, tenemos que preguntarnos si esta nueva forma de turismo es realmente una solución para las comunidades directamente interesadas.

La sécurité alimentaire en Chine après son ouverture économique : les difficultés rencontrées par le gouvernement et les solutions pour y remédier

La sécurité alimentaire est un des enjeux majeurs de la société actuellement. Pour mieux nourrir sa population un état doit mettre en place des politiques qui visent à mieux à produire les aliments et les boissons. Cette transition peut être très compliquée pour certains pays qui n’ont pas les outils nécessaires ou qui sont en situation de crise. La Chine a rencontré de nombreuses difficultés lorsqu’elle a essayé d’améliorer la sécurité alimentaire en son sein. L’Empire du milieu a cependant relevé de nombreux défis et continue à en relever de nouveaux aujourd’hui.

The rare plant market online: from a small circle of experts to an intergenerational worldwide hobby

People have been collecting plants in their homes since the dawn of time. But over the past decade, social media platforms like Instagram have brought a new fame to the plant market, especially for rare and exotic plants. Following the new online trends, this sudden interest for rare houseplants has exploded since the beginning of the covid-19 crisis, transforming a simple plant collecting hobby into a worldwide market, worth billions of euros. But like every other big market, such a rapid expansion does not come without any consequences: plant poachers have been destroying entire ecosystems, and a new black market for rare plants has established itself in broad daylight on social media. But how exactly did we get from collecting a few houseplants to having to protect endangered species of plants from extinction ?

Corporate social responsibility: the sports industry picks up the ball

Today, Corporate Social Responsibility is a common notion in the business world. All industries are committed in CSR with the mindset of doing better for the people and the planet. However, not all of them are at the same level of commitment. One industry stands out: sports. Sports organizations and athletes are very active in fighting social problems. By using every resource at hand and especially the media, they manage to change the world for the better. Why do sports have more success in CSR than other industries? What makes them more efficient? What kind of CSR programs are specific to the sports industry? These are the questions that my research paper is answering.

Les mémoires de la promo 2020

The Gordon Ramsay success story: from a name to a multimillion-pound brand

Starting a restaurant business may seem an attractive idea as people will always need to eat. But is it that easy to run a restaurant? The truth is that the restaurant industry is saturated and extremely competitive. This research paper focuses on an outstanding British chef and a successful restaurateur who knows better than anyone that the restaurant business is full of pitfalls. Gordon Ramsay, who is now one of the richest chefs in the world, started from scratch and managed to build a restaurant and media empire. Let’s see what helped him to create a business on such a huge scale and become a household name.

Brand Activism as a Marketing Strategy: A Bright Idea Turned Sour The Case of DOVE

Have you ever dreamed of changing the world by purchasing deodorant? Now more than ever, consumerism means taking a stand and supporting the company you buy from, putting power into its hands to bring changes to society. Choosing to buy a product from a brand involved in fighting social issues may be your closest shot at becoming an activist.

This research dissertation focuses on the evolution of activism, explains its uses in the marketing strategies of companies and studies its benefits and limits for Dove. It provides a pre-COVID 19 focus on brand activism and questions its future in marketing, a sector that will continue to be transformed by the 2020 sanitary crisis.

Will Natural Diamonds Last Forever?

A diamond is forever. This is probably one of the most famous quotes you have ever heard about diamonds. Movies have countlessly glamorized them, with secret agents chasing after these precious shiny gems.  Today, diamonds are seen as something out of reach, and, for some of us, as a secretly expensive dream

But, what about if we could afford this dream today?

Lately, something has threatened the diamond industry. Its name? Synthetic diamonds, which are created by humans’ own hands. In this research, you will discover a sparkling but ruthless world, where traditional diamond producers, especially De Beers, have to reinvent themselves to face this new generation of diamonds.

La moda rápida vs. el consumo sostenible: el caso de Zara

Por siglos la industria de la moda ha sido importante para las personas. Pero esta importancia sigue evolucionando con el tiempo y no ha hecho más que acentuarse con la aparición de la tecnología y las redes sociales. Todo esto también se desarrolló junto con el capitalismo que fue creando poco a poco la sociedad de consumo en la cual vivimos hoy, explicando así el funcionamiento del consumo indumentario actual.

Basándose en el caso de la empresa española Zara, el objetivo de este trabajo es entender si existe la posibilidad de diseñar ropa que esté de moda y a la vez sea sostenible.

Мессенджеры в России – больше, чем сервис для обмена сообщениями. Пример Telegram

Информационные технологии ворвались в нашу жизнь несколько десятилетий назад, и сегодня многие из них являются неотъемлемой частью нашей повседневной жизни. Одним из ярких примеров являются смартфоны с многочисленными функциями и приложениями. В данной исследовательской работе речь идёт о мессенджерах: вы узнаете, что их функции не ограничиваются простыми переписками и звонками. На примере Telegram мы покажем, насколько широк может быть функционал подобных приложений и как он влияет на жизнь простых пользователей и на целые индустрии экономики.

Von Massentourismus zu nachhaltigem Tourismus in Deutschland: eine neue Art des Reisens

Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich die Tourismusbranche stark entwickelt und galt vor der Coronakrise als einer der größten Wirtschaftszweige der Welt. Tourismus bringt zwar viele positive Seite mit sich, hat aber auch negative ökologische und soziale Auswirkungen. Die Menschen sind sich dessen zunehmend bewusst und versuchen, diesen schädlichen Einfluss beim Reisen zu verringern. In den 1980er Jahren entstand deshalb der Ausdruck „nachhaltiger Tourismus“. 

Diese Masterarbeit gibt einen Überblick über positive und negative Aspekte des Tourismus und zeigt, warum ein Übergang vom Massentourismus zum nachhaltigen Tourismus notwendig ist und wie dieser Übergang gelingen kann. 

Les mémoires de la promo 2019

Managing multicultural teams in the airline industry: A challenging take-off
Imagine working every day in a new and faraway office, and always getting to know new colleagues, who you have never met. Then hundreds of customers enter your office, and you must adapt quickly to your workmates and provide efficient teamwork.
Here is the fascinating but also dangerous daily life of cabin crews and pilots. In this research work, you will be able to travel with them and to discover how they deal with multicultural issues. You will also understand why multiculturality in the airline industry is, as I said, fascinating but also dangerous.
So, are you ready for take-off?
Luxury and Social Media: an incompatible union? The case of Burberry

It is no secret that social media have drastically changed communications in the last decade. Although it is clear that they have revolutionized communications altogether, social media were a particular turning point for well-established brands as well as small businesses. If mass-market brands adopted social media relatively quickly, it was not as blatant for luxury brands.

This research paper will focus on how it is possible for a luxury brand that conveys an image of exclusivity to use platforms that target a substantial part of the population.

Inversión Directa China en Proyecto Ruta 32 para el Desarrollo de la Costa Caribeña

La presencia de China en países emergentes es un tema bien conocido. Sin embargo, su papel en el desarrollo de estos países está a menudo subestimado, sobre todo en el ámbito centroamericano.

El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es destacar el efecto dominó causado por la inversión directa china en el Proyecto de Amplificación y Rehabilitación de la Ruta 32 en Costa Rica. También se demuestra cómo esa carretera nacional se convertirá en la columna vertebral comercial del país, y específicamente del desarrollo socioeconómico de su zona caribeña que aún no logra desarrollarse.

Découvrez également les projets professionnels organisés par nos étudiants

Stage dating 2019

Cette année a eu lieu la première édition du Stage Dating. La promo 2019-2020 innove et casse les codes du recrutement

Cérémonie de remise des diplômes 2019

Les M2 du master M2i ont organisé la cérémonie de remise des diplômes de leurs aînés sur le thème Hollywood

Conférences CCE et cérémonie de parrainage des M1

Zoom sur les métiers de l'international avec les conférences CCE et la cérémonie de parrainage des M1 2019